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【official website】announcement of nongda biochemical products for crazy control in summer 2018-pg电子下载

release time:2019-05-21

april 26, 2018, nongda biochemical 2018 summer crazy control products conference was held smoothly in shihezi. more than 100 representatives of local retailers from shihezi participated in the conference on controlling insanity, as well as the large farmers who used controlling insanity last year. ye hezi, an agent of shihezi, talked about the preferential scheme for controlling crazy sales and the future development direction of agricultural materials, which aroused a warm response on the spot. more farmland big household owner's on-site sharing, using the effect of madness control, the output is gratifying. retailer friends actively ordered on-site, more confident about the effect of products to control insanity. another retailer ordered 100 pieces by himself on the spot only because of the use of nongda products last year. he believed in the effect and more in nongda.


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