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【official website】warmly welcome the distributors of guilin, guangxi to visit nongda biochemical company and visit shaolin temple.-pg电子下载

publisher:adminrelease time:2019-01-11
abstract: on january 10, 2019, more than 20 customers from datang agricultural corporation and qinfeng agricultural corporation of guilin city, guangxi province, came to visit nongda biochemical company. wang peng, manager of our companys southern region, warml

on january 10, 2019, more than 20 customers from datang agricultural corporation and qinfeng agricultural corporation of guilin city, guangxi province, came to visit nongda biochemical company. wang peng, manager of our company's southern region, warmly received visitors and led customers to visit our production base in mengzhou industrial park, and inspected the production construction and equipment of nongda biochemical mengzhou factory. through this on-the-spot investigation, customers further understand the scale, strong strength and advanced technology of nongda biochemical company. enhance the confidence and determination of cooperation with the company, and lay a solid foundation for further cooperation. we look forward to more agricultural friends to visit nongda biochemical company.

in the afternoon, the company organized customers to visit the shaolin temple landscape. not only let customers experience many scenic spots such as sanhuangzhai, longquan temple, wuzhifeng, wangyueshi and shaoshangding, but also let customers feel the overlap and magnificence of shaolin temple's palaces, the towering ancient trees and tablets, as well as the respectable talin, all show the brilliance and magic of the millennium ancient temple.

although the wonderful journey is over, the friendship between nongda biochemical and its customers is deepening.

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