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【official website】zhengzhou nongda biochemical company sends "march 8th" festival greetings to female employees of the company-pg电子下载

publisher:adminrelease time:2019-03-11
abstract: in march, our company also ushered in the annual march 8th womens day. on the occasion of this festival, the company leaders, in order to express their respect and gratitude to all the female compatriots, conveyed warm wishes and deep love to the fem
in march, our company also ushered in the annual "march 8th" women's day. on the occasion of this festival, the company leaders, in order to express their respect and gratitude to all the female compatriots, conveyed warm wishes and deep love to the female compatriots with practical actions.
on march 7, 2019, the company leaders first extended holiday greetings to female employees, and then issued holiday gifts to them. in the past year, the female employees of nongda have given full play to the spirit of "self-confidence" and "self-improvement" in different positions, contributing their meager strength to the development of the company. in the new year, new opportunities and new situations will set up more stage for nongda female employees to show themselves.

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