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【official website】the 11th return banquet of zhengzhou nongda biochemical group was successfully held-pg电子下载

publisher:农达生化release time:2019-11-11
abstract: on november 7, 2019, the 11th gratitude meeting of zhengzhou nongda biochemical group was held in vienna international hotel, guilin. nongda biochemical and more than 300 dealers and friends from all over the country gathered together to share the joy

on november 7, 2019, the 11th gratitude meeting of zhengzhou nongda biochemical group was held in vienna international hotel, guilin. nongda biochemical and more than 300 dealers and friends from all over the country gathered together to share the joy of growth and harvest of nongda biochemical.
at 8 a.m., with the warm-up of the shocking opening video, the 11th gratitude meeting of zhengzhou nongda biochemical co., ltd. officially opened. zhu zong, chairman of nongda biochemical group, first made an opening speech on the stage, expressing sincere blessing and sincere thanks to all the friends who came from afar. later, zhang, director of guilin plant protection station, also delivered a speech to the meeting. i hope you can make further efforts and work together for a better future!
looking back to 2019, we will go all the way to create brilliance. in order to thank you for your support and love for nongda biochemical, the company awarded the honorary trophy to the excellent agents. zhu zong, chairman of the group, and zhang zhanchang, director of guilin plant protection station, guangxi province, presented the awards and took photos for the partners. award winning customers respectively delivered their award-winning speeches and made it clear that they will continue to take the company's development ideas as the core in the future, work together for win-win coexistence.
finally, fang yezhong, deputy general manager of nongda biochemical group, shared the core products of the preparation department and the new products in 2020. let customers more clear the star products our company focuses on. mr. fang's speech was unanimously approved by the dealers on the site, and there was continuous applause. the dealers also responded in succession. they thanked the company for its concern and said that they would deepen their cooperation with our company in the next year.

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