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publisher:adminrelease time:2019-05-24
abstract: win-win cooperation, innovation, conformity to the situation and common growth. from september 24 to 26, 2017, zhengzhou nongda biochemical group company, together with more than 100 core partners from all over the country, held a grand one-year anni
win-win cooperation, innovation, conformity to the situation and common growth. from september 24 to 26, 2017, zhengzhou nongda biochemical group company, together with more than 100 core partners from all over the country, held a grand "one-year anniversary of the launch of gibberellin and high-end forum on biological pesticides and fertilizers" in zhengzhou.
on the morning of the 25th, under the leadership of the chairman of the group zhu general, we visited the production base of our company in mengzhou industrial park, and observed the production construction and production equipment of gibberellin in nongda biochemical mengzhou factory. under zhu's careful explanation, we have a better understanding of nongda biochemistry and its strong technical strength, strengthened mutual understanding and enhanced cooperation confidence. under the current situation of environmental protection and high-pressure new policy, mengzhou park can still produce normally, which is inseparable from the sunrise project-bio-fermentation products chosen by the company according to the national policy, and the environmental protection treatment facilities built strictly in accordance with the national standards. at the same time, it also lays a solid foundation for the company's future development.
in the afternoon, the participants visited kang million manor in gongyi in spite of the rain, and shared the "remaining" culture of henan business road. they were very enthusiastic and deeply touched.
at 8:30 a.m. on the 26th, with the end of the last note of the national anthem of the people's republic of china, it marked the official start of the "one-year anniversary of gibberellin production and high-end forum on biopesticides and fertilizers" of nongda biochemical company in zhengzhou.
the conference received strong support from leaders and experts, and the guests were: founder of henan henan agricultural biology mengzhou industrial park, secretary ma haisheng of henan pesticide inspection institute; professor of henan agricultural university, doctoral supervisor, professor guo tiancai, academic leader of wheat cultivation direction of national key disciplines; director of biotechnology department of hubei university of technology, doctoral supervisor. professor wang zhi.
with the production of zhengzhou nongda biochemical gibberellin, the company's development will enter a new chapter. the development of nongda can not be separated from the concern of every leading friend, the support of every businessman friend, and even from every nongda person who is conscientious and sticks to his post. at the end of the meeting, the chairman of nongda group, zhu, built his own brand in the spirit of craftsman, and shared with you the development process, brand promotion and future construction of nongda enterprise. the application of plant growth regulators and fertilizers was analyzed in detail. the meeting came to an end with applause and marked the first anniversary of the launch of gibberellin and the high-end forum on biological pesticides and fertilizers in nongda biochemical company, zhengzhou.

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