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【official website】shuixiang bamboo rhyme around cuiling-pg电子下载

publisher:adminrelease time:2019-05-24
abstract: at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, with a sense of coolness, zhengzhou nongda biochemical workers went all the way south to the foot of xionger mountain in luanchuan, embracing the natural nature of bamboo surrounded by water, and expe
at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, with a sense of coolness, zhengzhou nongda biochemical workers went all the way south to the foot of xiong'er mountain in luanchuan, embracing the natural nature of bamboo surrounded by water, and experiencing the simple and elegant scenery of mountain villages.
when we first arrived at zhongdu valley, we were attracted by the natural landscape surrounded by green bamboo hills and streams. everyone was very enthusiastic and eager to swim in the landscape. apricot garden, bamboo pole courtyard, huancuiju, gurenzhuang and other elegant and unique farm courtyards jumped into the eye, especially eye-catching. the 10,000 mu bamboo grove that shades the sky is like a natural gallery full of green, breathing the fresh air of nature, which makes people relaxed and happy. the winding and steep slopes of the heroes, all of us climb the summit together, refueling each other; like fairy curtain fairy palace in fairyland, flying rainbow waterfalls, we are washed out smoothly; into the back-to-earth historical farming villages, spinning cotton cloth, ploughing trial tillage, enjoy the folk customs.
early the next morning, we drove to jiguan cave, the first cave in north china. it is famous for its seven unique features: strange, beautiful, quiet, deep, dangerous, steep and beautiful. the stalagmites in the cave are densely distributed, with different shapes and colorful landscapes.
sceneries such as golden turtle crossing fairy ones, eight immortals crossing the sea, seven-storey pagoda, panlong jade column and so on are very strange and numerous. everywhere, big guys rush to take pictures.
the last stop of the journey is the yihe river drifting, which is thrilling and interesting. the river drifts 14 kilometers, slowly and rapidly, straight in time, and ripples in rapids, shallows and blue waves.
colleagues water competition, you chase me, play water, fun, laughter echoes between the valleys...
aug. 26-28, the three-day trip to the ditch ended satisfactorily. the beautiful scenery made people linger and forget to return. the tourism activities enrich the cultural life of the company's employees, relax their bodies and minds, cultivate their sentiments after their intense work, and enrich the form and content of the "learning activity month" in august. it also strengthens the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise, and improves the overall quality of the elite team of nongda.





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