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【official website】attention! what is the effect of export tax rebate adjustment first line investigation can solve the near thirst of enterprises-pg电子下载

publisher:农达生化release time:2020-04-24
abstract: some enterprises said, at the beginning of the epidemic, foreign customers chased us to ask if they could deliver goods. now, many foreign orders have been delayed or cancelled, we are chasing customers to ask if we can receive the goods. i work in a

some enterprises said, "at the beginning of the epidemic, foreign customers chased us to ask if they could deliver goods. now, many foreign orders have been delayed or cancelled, we are chasing customers to ask if we can receive the goods. " "i work in a foreign trade company, just returned to work soon, because there is no order and forced to shut down." "in the first half of the war, the domestic market, the foreign market and the foreign trade enterprises played the whole game..."
with the spread of novel coronavirus pneumonia worldwide, the pressure of foreign trade enterprises has increased rapidly. and in front of them, a first-class problem is how to maintain the "lifeblood" - cash flow!
at the critical moment, the state increased the export tax rebate rate of 1464 products, and the tax authorities comprehensively increased the speed of export tax rebate to help stabilize the basic foreign trade market.
meanwhile, from april 1, the 29th national tax publicity month was officially launched. all localities take this opportunity to make further efforts in implementing preferential tax policies, optimizing tax payment services and tax business environment.
with a tax refund in time to the account, how does the enterprise feel? what kind of reform and innovation is behind the efficient mechanism of export tax rebate?
how much can enterprise cost be reduced
on march 17, the ministry of finance and the state administration of taxation jointly issued an announcement to make it clear that from march 20, 2020, the export tax rebate rate of 1084 products such as porcelain sanitary wares will be increased to 13%; the export tax rebate rate of 380 products such as plant growth regulators will be increased to 9%.
in this regard, wang daoshu, general auditor of the state administration of taxation, said: "in this way, except for products with high energy consumption, high pollution and resource, the tax rebate rate of all export products is the same as the tax rate, and zero tax rate of export products has been achieved. the increase of export tax rebate rate is conducive to reducing the operating costs of enterprises, improving the international competitiveness of export products, and boosting the confidence of export enterprises. "
according to the shandong provincial taxation bureau, the adjustment of export tax rebate rate will benefit 5574 export enterprises in shandong province, and the tax rebate is expected to increase by 1.91 billion yuan. according to the calculation of guangdong provincial taxation bureau, based on the export situation in 2019, the adjustment of export tax rebate rate will benefit the export commodities of 6.17 billion us dollars in guangdong, and it is estimated that 12000 enterprises will inject 1.31 billion yuan of export tax rebate (exemption) fund throughout the year.
in ningbo, the increase of export tax rebate rate will benefit more than 5200 export enterprises in the city, and it is estimated that the new export tax rebate will exceed 350 million yuan in the whole year. "raising the export tax rebate rate not only lightens the current burden for enterprises, but also boosts their confidence in long-term development." according to the financial staff of ningbo fuwei international trade co., ltd., all the products exported by the company are within the scope of the increase of this tax rebate rate. according to the calculation of the annual export volume last year, it is estimated that the export tax rebate will be increased by more than 5 million yuan this year.
not "far water" can solve "near thirst"
"i didn't expect that" it's too fast "and" it's time to send charcoal in the snow ". many enterprises said the most when they talked about export tax rebate.
the speed of tax refund can not be improved without "non-contact" method. from february 10, the state administration of taxation has implemented the whole process of "non-contact" handling of export tax rebate, including "non-contact" declaration, review and feedback.
during the epidemic period, enterprises can apply for export tax refund (exemption) filing, certificate issuance and related declaration by submitting electronic data for declaration through online channels such as e-tax bureau, without providing paper materials. if the tax authorities only examine and verify the electronic data, and there is no problem in the examination, they can handle the relevant tax refund (exemption) matters. after the completion, the export enterprises shall be informed of the results of the handling through the internet in time. if the enterprise needs to issue paper certificates, the tax authorities can also send them by mail.
as of march 30, the national tax authorities handled export tax rebates of 204 billion yuan for nearly 230000 export enterprises, effectively reducing the financial pressure on enterprises. at the same time, the state administration of taxation requires an additional 20% increase in the average processing time of normal tax refund business, that is, from 10 working days in 2019 to less than 8 working days.
tax refund "speeded up", the momentum of enterprises increased!
li xuhong, director of the institute of finance, taxation and application of beijing national accounting institute, said: "for enterprises, the time required for tax refund is becoming shorter and shorter, the handling method is becoming more and more simple, and enterprises can get tax refund faster, which helps to alleviate the pressure on enterprises' capital, reduce the cost of capital occupation, and indirectly improve the economic benefits of enterprises."
more innovation on the way
tang jiqiang, professor of southwest university of finance and economics and chief researcher of west finance think tank, believes that the spread of the international epidemic has a negative impact on the production, sales, logistics and other aspects of china's foreign trade enterprises. in this case, it is very important to help enterprises solve the capital problem. among them, export tax rebate is an important measure. by increasing the rate of export tax rebate and speeding up the speed of export tax rebate, we can reduce the operating cost of enterprises, enhance the international competitiveness of export products and effectively promote the stability of foreign trade.
lv bingyang, a professor at renmin university of china, also believes that timely adjustment of export tax rebate policy and overall improvement of tax rebate speed are key measures to help foreign trade enterprises overcome difficulties at present.
at present, the reform and innovation around export tax rebate are continuing to deepen. fu shulin, spokesman of the state administration of taxation, said: "at present, the overseas epidemic is still spreading, which has a great impact on china's foreign trade exports. next, the tax department will take the opportunity of carrying out the tax publicity month, pay close attention to the domestic and foreign economic operation situation and the demands of foreign trade enterprises, help enterprises make full use of the export tax rebate and other compliant foreign trade policy tools, and stabilize the basic board of foreign trade. "
in addition, many tax departments have introduced new measures for export tax rebate. for example, jiangsu tax authorities further reduce the processing time of export tax rebate, actively and steadily implement the convenient payment of exit tax rebate, "buy and return" and other facilitation measures.
jiangxi province has cancelled the relevant provisions on the time limit for handling the export tax refund. due to the impact of the epidemic situation, if an export enterprise fails to declare the export tax refund, handle the collection of foreign exchange and apply for the issuance of relevant certificates within the prescribed time limit, it may declare the export tax refund or apply for the issuance of relevant certificates to the tax authorities after collecting the tax refund certificates and handling the collection of foreign exchange.
henan provincial taxation bureau will continue to expand the paperless declaration scope of export tax rebate, carry out "non-contact" audit and "non-contact" investigation and evaluation, further reduce the processing time of export tax rebate, and effectively reduce the tax burden of enterprises.
in addition, in the process of overall acceleration of export tax rebate, tax big data is playing an active role. originally, the local tax department compared the tax big data of the enterprise's value-added tax invoicing and tax declaration. if it was found that part of the enterprise's business did not declare the export tax rebate in time, it would guide the enterprise to re declare online through the whole process of the network to ensure that the tax rebate "one point is not bad" to the account.
fan yong, a professor at the central university of finance and economics, believes that although the export tax rebate has solved the "great thirst" for foreign trade enterprises, enterprises still face many challenges. they still need to strengthen cooperation and linkage in many ways to make a good policy "combination fist", and take multiple measures to help enterprises through difficulties. at the same time, enterprises should actively adjust their survival and development strategies according to market changes and their own situations, and work together to meet challenges.

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