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【official website】how to break the bottleneck of development in pesticide industry-pg电子下载

release time:2019-07-05

green is the trend of industry development
with the tightening of ecological protection policy and the deepening of consumers'ecological concept, modern pesticides have entered an era of green pesticides with super high efficiency, low consumption and no pollution. experts said that ecological and green pesticides, especially new pesticides with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue, will be the focus of future development. it is necessary to accelerate the development of pesticide formulations in the direction of water-based, dust-free and controlled release, and to accelerate the development and application of new formulations such as water dispersible granules, suspensions, water emulsions and sustained and controlled release agents.
in the aspect of enterprises, innovation in technology and management must be strengthened. by improving the ability of independent innovation and improving the system of independent innovation, enterprises should make the pesticide industry shift to the direction of new drug creation and production of high-end products, increase the scientific and technological content and added value of pesticide products, drive the technological progress of pesticide industry, and enhance the competitiveness of the industry. by increasing investment in technological renovation and environmental protection and improving the intelligence level of technological equipment, we should vigorously develop the application of common key technologies, such as the development of green production technology for leading varieties and intermediates, the integration and large-scale of production equipment, the automation of process control and the processing technology of water-based formulations, in order to promote the industrial structure of pesticides and promote the development of pesticide industry. product structure adjustment.
new business subjects promote industry transition
on the other hand, we should speed up the implementation of the "internet " modern agricultural action by removing the traditional channels such as pesticide production enterprises, agricultural supply and marketing departments, and supporting the new agricultural operators to drive farmers to apply the internet of things and e-commerce. at present, a large number of specialized and socialized service organizations have emerged in rural areas. the service modes such as cross-regional operation, land trusteeship and order agriculture have been innovating, the scale of service has been expanding, and the service capacity has been improving. the data show that in 2018, the production trusteeship area of agricultural productive service industry in the production link reached 230 million mu, accounting for 12.2% of the sown area of crops, serving more than 36 million households of farmers, and the development trend of agricultural productive service industry is blowout.
brand promotes high quality development of industry
in the development of an industry, the importance of brand is self-evident. enterprise brand is the soul of an enterprise, which has strong attraction and extended function. product brand can appeal to product characteristics and functions more, and can play a complementary, mutually supportive and mutually enriching role for enterprise brand. normally, when farmers'awareness of agricultural assets is raised to a certain extent, they will reach a new level of awareness of the enterprise, be familiar with the products of the enterprise, and have a high degree of loyalty to the products of the enterprise. as a pesticide enterprise, in the new historical period and under the new rural environment conditions, it is necessary to carry out the unified management of enterprise brand and unified visual identification system according to the original enterprise brand proposition, so that farmers can see the highly unified enterprise brand and products, so that farmers can establish their knowledge of enterprises in an orderly manner. in front of the unified image.

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