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【official website】the nineteenth xinjiang international agricultural exposition-pg电子下载

publisher:农达生化release time:2019-08-16
abstract: from august 8 to 9, the 19th xinjiang international agricultural exposition was held in xinjiang. as the bridgehead and important position connecting asia and europe on the new silk road, xinjiang is an important channel for inland and international e

from august 8 to 9, the 19th xinjiang international agricultural exposition was held in xinjiang. as the bridgehead and important position connecting asia and europe on the new silk road, xinjiang is an important channel for inland and international exchanges. xinjiang agricultural expo has become a window for china to engage in foreign agriculture, and also the largest platform for the two-way flow of resources in central asia. as a frequent visitor of xinjiang agricultural expo, zhengzhou nongda biochemical co., ltd. was attended by vice-president yizhong, zhu chaoyong, with zhang baofeng, the manager of the original pharmacy department, yuan xueyong, the manager of the foreign trade department, and the elite of xinjiang region.
during the exhibition, the company exhibited a series of high-quality raw medicines and high-quality preparations, which attracted agricultural production enterprises, distributors and planters from all over the country to stop, and came to negotiate, exchange and cooperate with each other. the centralized appearance of mid-high-end brands also inspires the distributors who have cooperated for many years, and strengthens their confidence in working with the company to win-win and seek common development.
xinjiang is the main market of our company's products. through this exhibition, we have effectively promoted the channel construction of xinjiang market, strengthened the customer relationship, improved the company's brand popularity and influence in xinjiang market, and laid the foundation for further development of xinjiang region.


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