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【official website】summary meeting of work in the first half of 2019-pg电子下载

publisher:农达生化release time:2019-08-30
abstract: in this golden autumn, nongda biochemical group ushered in the first half of 2019 work summary meeting. the main purpose of the meeting is to sort out the situation of the companys work in the first half of the year, summarize the experience, analyze

in this golden autumn, nongda biochemical group ushered in the first half of 2019 work summary meeting. the main purpose of the meeting is to sort out the situation of the company's work in the first half of the year, summarize the experience, analyze the deficiencies, clarify the objectives and ideas for the work in the second half of the year, and ensure the successful completion of the company's objectives and tasks throughout the year. chairman zhu chaoyin, vice president yizhong, zhu chaoyong, chief financial officer liu jianhua, and all department managers and staff attended the meeting.

with the solemn national anthem, the conference began. first, the representative of the department manager made a speech. the former pharmacy manager zhang baofeng, the preparation manager fang yizhong, the foreign trade manager yuan xueyong and the marketing manager wang jianwei came to the stage in turn to report and summarize the work in the first half of 2018, and made a detailed plan for the specific work arrangement of the department in the second half of the year.
in the recognition process, the group chairman zhu issued certificates, bonuses and took photos for those who achieved outstanding results in the first half of the year. the atmosphere of the conference was festive and warm. all the participants applauded the outstanding staff in the first half of 2019.

at the end of the awarding process, the chairman of the group, zhu, expressed his sincere thanks to the staff of nongda for their due diligence and selfless dedication, fully affirmed the outstanding achievements achieved by the unity and cooperation of all of us, and congratulated the comrades who have won outstanding staff. in the past six months, the environmental protection is still severe. under such conditions, the various departments of the group company united to overcome various difficulties. sales of the company's original pharmacy department, preparation department, gardening department and foreign trade department continued to maintain growth momentum and achieved hard-won results. while affirming the company's performance in the first half of the year, zhu praised the company's employees'diligent efforts and active and earnest working attitude. he hoped that every employee of nongda would always maintain a modest learning and enterprising work style, be responsible for his work, work steadfastly, do his job well and strive for excellence. achievements..

this meeting is an important meeting of nongda biochemical group in the middle of the year. it is not only a summary of the development achievements and experience in the first half of the year, but also a mobilization and inspiration meeting for the full deployment of the work in the second half of the year. it is believed that all nongda people will take this conference as an opportunity to further innovate ideas, forge ahead, unite as one, and work efficiently, laying a solid foundation for the full completion of all tasks and objectives in 2019.

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