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【official website】joint deployment of seven departments, intensive response from many provinces, agricultural counterfeiting special governance action officially launched!-pg电子下载

publisher:adminrelease time:2019-03-14
abstract: on march 8, the ministry of agriculture and rural areas, the supreme peoples court, the supreme peoples procuratorate, the ministry of industry and information technology, the ministry of public security, the state administration of market supervisio
on march 8, the ministry of agriculture and rural areas, the supreme people's court, the supreme people's procuratorate, the ministry of industry and information technology, the ministry of public security, the state administration of market supervision and management, and the general supply and marketing cooperative jointly convened the national video and telephone conference on fake control of agricultural funds in 2019, which summarized the work in 2018, analyzed the new situation and tasks, mobilized and deployed the special action on fake control of agricultural funds in 201 yu kangzhen, vice minister of agriculture and rural areas, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
the conference fully affirmed the achievements of the anti-counterfeiting work of agricultural materials in various departments in various regions in 2018. the meeting pointed out that in the critical year of building a well-off society in an all-round way, new tasks and requirements were put forward to prevent and resolve major risks, promote high-quality agricultural development, promote agricultural environmental governance and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. agricultural and rural departments around the country moved quickly to centralize the illegal activities of manufacturing and selling fake and inferior agricultural materials, providing strong support for spring farming production and promoting the quality of agriculture. strict conditions and standards for agricultural production and operation licensing should be enforced, and strict examination and approval should be made. we should strengthen quality supervision and spot checks to prevent the influx of fake and inferior agricultural materials into agricultural production. strengthen the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice in the field of agricultural resources, and enhance the efficiency and level of agricultural comprehensive law enforcement. we will accelerate the establishment of credit archives for agricultural production and operation entities and strengthen the construction of agricultural credit system. deeply carry out activities of reassuring agricultural materials to go to the countryside and villages, deepen agricultural services guidance, and ensure reassuring agricultural supplies. meeting also
special emphasis was laid on the relevant requirements for the control of counterfeit and inferior food in rural areas.
ma aiguo, chief agronomist of the ministry of agriculture and rural areas, presided over the meeting. the state administration of market supervision and administration and the public security department made special plans to crack down on agricultural counterfeiting in their respective fields. typical speeches were made by fujian agricultural and rural department, hubei market supervision and administration bureau and heilongjiang public security department.
march 8, 2019, hunan agricultural counterfeiting special governance action was officially launched
in 2018, the provincial agricultural and rural departments filed 891 cases involving agricultural materials with a value of 5.388 million yuan; the market supervision (industry and commerce, quality supervision) departments filed 139 cases involving agricultural materials with a value of 2.633 million yuan; the public security organs investigated 22 criminal cases involving agricultural materials, arrested 39 suspects, detained 26 criminals, transferred 24 prosecutors, destroyed the criminal network and ended the system. fake sales of fake nests cut off the chain of production and sales of fake and inferior agricultural products, ensured that the quality of agricultural assets was steadily improved, and farmers'rights and interests were well protected.
on march 8, zhejiang launched a special campaign to crack down on agricultural counterfeiting.
it is understood that this special rectification action will severely crack down on the illegal activities of producing and managing fake and inferior seeds, suit licensing infringement and unlicensed production and operation; prohibiting the use of pesticides in illegal production and operation; adding prohibited substances and non-catalogued substances to feed; and focusing on rectifying and standardizing agricultural wholesale markets, professional markets, distribution centers, large transport and marketing merchants and rural mobile vendors, and strengthening market governance.
the anti-counterfeiting work of agricultural materials has provided a powerful guarantee for the development of agricultural and rural economy. according to statistics, in 2018, zhejiang dispatched 66,000 law enforcement officers, inspected more than 34,000 different subjects, filed more than 1,000 cases of illegal acts, seized more than 520 tons of fake and inferior agricultural materials, checked and found illegal acts, sampled unqualified products, complaints and reported cases, the investigation rate reached 100%.
on march 8, fujian province held a mobile telephone conference on the special control of fake agricultural materials

the meeting demanded that the illegal acts of producing and managing fake and inferior seeds, infringement of sets of licences and production and operation without certificates should be severely cracked down; in the field of pesticides, the illegal acts of producing and selling fake and inferior seeds, dealing with pesticides and using pesticides in excess of their scope, failing to establish legally the purchase and sale account of pesticides and the use of pesticides, and failing to implement the safety interval should be dealt with; in the field of vet veterinary drugs, abuse of antimicrobial drugs, failure to establish information records of products in and out of storage and medication records according to law, as well as non-execution of drug withdrawal period and other illegal acts; in the fertilizer field, we should focus on investigating and dealing with the insufficient effective ingredients and excessive chloride ions in registered products, as well as illegal acts such as the nominal pesticide function of fertilizer products; in the feed and feed additives, we should focus on investigating and illegal acts, such as unqualified indicators, no production license and no approval number, should be investigated and dealt with in the field of agricultural machinery, such acts as unauthorized change of major technical specifications, and irregular use of certificates and signs, according to law.
in 2018, fujian province continued to carry out special actions such as "green sword protecting agriculture", "quality supervision protecting agriculture", "fighting against four black groups and eliminating four pests" and so on. 475 cases of illegal agricultural materials were investigated and dealt with. there are 10 150 agricultural enterprises and 47 251 agricultural assets products in the province, which are included in the online supervision of the platform, covering four categories of products: pesticides, veterinary drugs, fertilizers and seeds.
on march 7, the heilongjiang provincial market regulatory bureau held a mobile teleconference on "fake farming for spring farming" of the provincial market regulatory system in 2019.
the key to carry out the policy of "cracking down on fake agricultural materials and protecting spring farming" is to let farmers buy reassuring agricultural materials. therefore, the provincial market supervision system should grasp the core of product quality, the key of market purification, the guarantee of safeguarding rights, and carry out in-depth special rectification of the agricultural market. we should work together in production and circulation, strengthen supervision over the quality of agricultural commodities, crack down on illegal activities of manufacturing and selling fake and inferior agricultural commodities; integrate functions and severely investigate and punish various illegal activities of pit farming; severely punish and handle a number of major influential cases to form a deterrent; we should work together online and offline to strengthen the supervision of illegal activities of selling fake and inferior agricultural commodities online; and we should "take both sides in the lead". we should take credit construction as an important grasp and open up a new way of "cracking down on fake agricultural materials and protecting spring farming". we should strengthen consumer rights protection and improve the service level of rural and peasant rights protection. we should integrate all media and pay attention to strengthening publicity and education.

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