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【official website】the minister and the npc representative's words "agriculture, countryside and farmers" are all matters of concern to you.-pg电子下载

publisher:adminrelease time:2019-03-07
abstract: at 9 a.m. on march 5, the second session of the 13th national peoples congress held its opening meeting in the great hall of the people. before the beginning of the meeting, the congress invited some npc deputies to receive collective interviews with
at 9 a.m. on march 5, the second session of the 13th national people's congress held its opening meeting in the great hall of the people. before the beginning of the meeting, the congress invited some npc deputies to receive collective interviews with journalists in the central hall of the great hall of the people. after the opening meeting, the ministerial corridor was reopened as scheduled.
han changfu, minister of agriculture and rural areas, responded to the hot issues of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", "peasant scientist" yongfu gave advice on soil pollution control, and the first-line experience of the post-90s bai yi town, chongyang county, xianning city, hubei province. are these your concerns?
keyword 1: subsidies for corn and soybean producers will also be granted this year.
this morning, after the opening meeting of the second session of the 13th national people's congress, the second ministerial corridor of the 2019 national people's congress was held in the great hall of the people. han changfu, minister of agriculture and rural areas, said:
"there are nearly 1.4 billion people in china. everyone has to eat and eat every day. therefore, general secretary xi jinping stressed that the key to ensuring national food security should not be relaxed at any time."
han changfu said that china's grain output declined last year, mainly as a result of the active adjustment and reduction of agricultural supply-side structural reform.
han changfu introduced that china's grain production has stabilized at the level of 1.3 trillion jin for four consecutive years, without any big ups and downs. "it's not easy."
han changfu said that this year's government work report proposed to stabilize grain production, "my understanding is to prevent the economic downturn and rising prices from meeting each other. this year, three stabilities should be achieved in grain production: stabilization of output, stabilization of area and stabilization of policies. this is an overall consideration. to stabilize production, we need to stabilize area and policy.
spring ploughing is about to begin. han changfu conveys a "clear message": the central government's policy of supporting grain production will always be consistent. this year, producers of corn and soybean will be subsidized, and the minimum purchase price of rice will remain stable.
han changfu believes that in the medium and long term, to ensure national food security, we should achieve "three two":
the first is "two tibets". we should implement the strategy of "storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology" to ensure that the red line of 1.8 billion arable land is kept. on this basis, we should build high-standard farmland. this year, 80 million mu of new farmland will be added. meanwhile, we should promote the integration of seed industry and science and technology so as to provide scientific and technological support for grain production.
the second is "two districts". we should build functional areas for grain production and important agricultural product protection areas throughout the country. after the establishment of the "two districts", the safety of the two major rations of wheat and rice can be basically guaranteed.
third, we should protect the enthusiasm of farmers and the enthusiasm of local governments to grab grain. in terms of policy, we should allow farmers to grow grain with accounts and let the governments of major producing areas grab grain without losing money.
"we believe that with the support of the central and local governments and the efforts of farmers and scientific and technological workers, china's food security is guaranteed."
key words 2: relying on the strength of science and technology to fight against soil pollution
in the past 30 years, party yongfu, deputy of the national people's congress and minister of technology of henan far east bioengineering company, has been paying attention to soil environmental problems. he believes that china has made great achievements in the control of non-point source pollution such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides in recent years.
when party yongfu answered the reporter's questions, he called himself "the representative of turkey", and was asked how to perform his duties in the battle of pollution prevention and control. he told a story.
last may, liu dacheng in xiangyang valley of inner mongolia transferred 13,000 mu of land to grow sorghum. what liu dacheng did not expect was that the land was polluted cultivated land, and the sorghum seedlings planted were large and dead. with this information, the party yongfu let the technicians go immediately. no matter whether liu dacheng had money or not, he would help liu dacheng. as a result, liu dacheng's land was restored to health and his economic losses were recovered by more than 4 million yuan.

herbicide contamination of soil and environment is a worldwide problem. party yongfu has also helped xihua county, zhoukou city, henan province to control more than 700,000 mu of land. therefore, experts and scholars from more than a dozen countries and regions have visited xihua county to study. in 2005, the representative of the party yongfu managed over 21 million mu of farmland polluted by herbicides. in 2017, the party yongfu took the new materials developed to balikun county, xinjiang, to carry out scientific and technological assistance to reduce the chemical weight of balikun county. after the evaluation by the ministry of agriculture and rural areas, under the condition of 20% chemical weight loss, the grain yield increased by 8%, the quality improved by 3 percentage points, and the soil became soft.
"in recent years, we have made great achievements in the control of chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution."
rural revitalization should insert the wings of science and technology, rely on the strength of science and technology to fight against soil pollution, lead the world chemical agriculture revolution, and lead the world chemical agriculture transformation and upgrading. the representative of the party yongfu believes that:
"the chinese people have technology and confidence, and i believe that chinese agriculture can break out of asia and go to the world."
keyword 3: promoting near-by employment is the key to eliminating poverty in rural areas
after the 1990s, the village branch book and the struggle against poverty, these three words put together, let people experience the vitality and vitality of the struggle against poverty. cheng ju, a deputy of the national people's congress and secretary of the party branch of dashi village, chongyang county, xianning city, hubei province, is a post-90s student. her village is located in the concentrated and extremely poor areas of mufu mountain, one of the 37 poverty-stricken counties in hubei province. in response to the reporter's questions, cheng expressed his confidence in getting rid of poverty and taking off his hat.
"on the front line of fighting poverty, i see some poor households who have little labor skills, are older and can't do much manual work. they found me and asked me to find a job for them near home. they all had a very strong desire to work. i contacted the local sanitary cotton enterprises to build a poverty alleviation workshop in our village, so that more than ten poor households in the village can work there, so that they can take care of their families, but also have an additional income.
cheng said that there are 30 poverty alleviation workshops like this in chongyang county. more than 1500 people have arranged for close employment. among them, more than 800 people are poor. people say that after the poverty alleviation workshops are built near their homes, they are now discussing production skills, and the number of people who come to work in the workshops is slowly increasing, and the number of people playing cards is slowly decreasing.
"as a deputy to the npc, i propose to refine the relevant policies and measures, to open up the information channels for farmers, to attract more enterprises and personnel to return home and join in the construction of rural revitalization, and to provide more people with employment opportunities nearby, so as to really attract and retain talents."

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