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【official website】under the epidemic situation, how can small and medium-pg电子下载

release time:2020-03-27

the sudden outbreak of the epidemic has put many enterprises preparing for a big start of the year into trouble, disrupted their business plans, business interruption led to a sharp increase in financial pressure, and some enterprises have begun to disband employees, or even liquidation and bankruptcy. how small and medium-sized enterprises to survive this difficult new year has become an unavoidable topic in the public opinion field. in order to reduce the burden and pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises, the central government has successively issued relevant policies to reduce rent, postpone tax payment, postpone payment of social security, return of unemployment insurance, reduce financing costs, and keep the line of credit every policy has won a good cry.
national ministries and commissions
faced with the novel coronavirus infection pneumonia epidemic, many ministries and commissions of the country have issued a number of policies and measures to support enterprises in the fight against epidemic diseases from reducing financing costs, reducing tax pressure and stabilizing personnel.
we will give financial discount support to the loans of key enterprises for epidemic prevention and control; we will not blindly take out loans, cut off loans or suppress loans for enterprises in need; we will strengthen the financial support for key enterprises for epidemic prevention and control; we will reduce taxes and exemptions for enterprises for epidemic prevention and control, and extend the tax declaration period; we will reduce the electricity cost of enterprises during epidemic prevention and control; and we will ensure the employment of key enterprises the support policies of various ministries and commissions of the state are as big as the real problems of finance, taxation, finance, etc., and as small as the basic needs of daily operation, such as electricity consumption and employment, almost covering all aspects of enterprise operation and maintenance, providing effective support for small and medium-sized enterprises to cope with the crisis.
accurate guarantee of local policies
china's small and micro businesses development center has novel coronavirus support policies for the development of small and medium enterprises, including 13 provinces and municipalities directly under the central government, including beijing, hebei, zhejiang, heilongjiang and other more than 20 municipalities and districts, including putian, ningbo, huzhou, suzhou and ji'nan.
more than 30 measures have been intensively released in beijing, including salary adjustment for enterprises with business difficulties through consultation with employees, and rent reduction for small and medium-sized micro tenants.
more than 30 measures have been taken to reduce the burden on enterprises in shanghai, including the implementation of the policy of stable return of unemployment insurance and the postponement of the adjustment of social security payment base.
suzhou has issued ten policies to support small and medium-sized enterprises to overcome difficulties, including reducing the financing cost of small and micro enterprises and reducing taxes and fees for small and medium-sized enterprises.
yancheng has introduced measures to reduce the financing cost of small and medium-sized enterprises, reduce and exempt urban land use tax and real estate tax.
ningbo has issued 18 preferential policies for enterprises, including temporary down floating of social security rates for small and medium-sized enterprises, and exemption of 2-month rent for relevant small and medium-sized enterprises.
shenzhen has introduced 16 measures, including a minimum of 3% for enterprises' housing provident fund.
shandong province has issued 20 preferential policies, and introduced measures such as reducing rent for small and medium-sized enterprises and related taxes.
zhejiang issued 17 policies to support small and micro enterprises, and implemented tax relief and delayed payment for small and micro enterprises. at the same time, the price of industrial electricity is adjusted in time according to the national policy. the price of industrial water and the price of natural gas are reduced by 10%, with a period of three months.
sichuan has issued 13 measures to ease the operation difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. for small and medium-sized enterprises that rent state-owned assets for operation, the rent for one to three months will be reduced. vehicles of medical and health institutions and logistics enterprises participating in epidemic prevention and control shall be exempted from vehicle and vessel tax in 2020.
media view
according to the current review of cctv, the number of smes in china has reached more than 30 million, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of enterprises, contributing more than 50% of the country's tax revenue, more than 60% of the country's gdp, more than 70% of the technological innovation achievements and more than 80% of the jobs. as one of the basic forces to promote the development of national economy, smes are the basic forces to promote employment, improve people's livelihood, stabilize society, develop economy and promote innovation. in a critical moment, small and medium-sized micro enterprises have a difficult life, but they must not fall down, or even become stronger. therefore, while fighting against the epidemic, we must give the small and medium-sized micro enterprises that are not easy to handle, work harder, and work together to overcome the difficulties. this concerns the economy, society and people's livelihood.
the commentary article of economic reference pointed out that targeted financial measures will significantly ease the operating pressure of relevant enterprises, and continue to increase financial assistance in the future. first, form closed-loop policy management. second, strengthen the dynamic evaluation of the effect. third, we should make good reserves for incremental policies. fourth, we should appropriately increase regulatory tolerance. fifth, gradually improve incentive compatibility.
according to china economic network, the first round of support policies provided initial support for smes to cope with the crisis. in order to further help smes turn crisis into opportunity, more accurate and efficient policies need to be implemented. we need to strengthen scientific analysis and accurately identify risk points; we need to implement precise policies, effectively issue emergency policies for production and foreign trade enterprises that are seriously impacted; we need to effectively solve the problem of poor transmission of monetary policy, improve the accuracy of financial support; we need to strengthen information disclosure and communication, effectively convey the intention of economic policy, and take the long-term perspective to promote the economic and social system improvement of infrastructure and systems.
as a whole, the support measures of the national ministries and local governments for small and medium-sized enterprises can be described as a timely help. the government departments represented by finance, taxation, finance, human resources and social security have extended their help. reducing rent, delaying tax payment, reducing loan interest rate and water and electricity cost are all favorable policies to solve the urgent problems of enterprises.
it is worth noting that the reference value of big data analysis for policy adjustment should also be reflected in the social governance to help enterprises develop smoothly. the impact of economic policies on the market is complex

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